Monday 22 March 2021


 a few weeks ago my brain did its best microsoft impression and decided to do an update and restart. all updates are not created equal and i found myself thinking that i was in a forest beside a fast moving stream. when my operating system was fully restored i found myself lying on the kitchen floor with water streaming out of the faucet at full strength. i was perplexed and as it turned out, quite thoroughly bruised.

after getting to my feet  i remember checking the clock on stove and it was 5:02 pm. the big question was, what time did the update and restart begin? my best guess was 4:45, so there were about 20 minutes to account for and the rip wasn't giving me any clues. i can't remember much of that evening but 5:02 is imprinted in my mind. being unstuck in time can be challenging.

several days ago i had this desire to find a higher power.  did the update and restart of my operating system plant a virus in my brain that was prompting me to find a higher power?  or perhaps the higher power took notice of a lost soul and gave me a nudge. i find myself having more questions than answers but that can be said of any right thinking person so the bottom line is i'm just another brick in the wall.

my first thoughts of a higher power revolved around jesus but i quickly realized that was because our society continually bombards us with religious rhetoric. it's wonderful that we have have the internet because it allowed me to rule out organized religion very quickly. jesus is still an option but if i head in that direction i'll cut out the middleman and seek a direct line.

is there a god?  as a young man i was a devout atheist but i now realize that there are millions of people way smarter than myself who believe in god so although i'm a non believer, i do realize that there is a good chance that i'm wrong.

however, if there is a god of the universe i am 100% certain that the version of god we have been sold is not the true gospel.

if god created the universe, the real 10 commandments are the laws of physics, not the stuff organized religion uses to try and keep us humans in line.

at first i thought the goal was to find comfort in a higher power but after a few days of contemplation i remembered that the best way to ruin a good project is to finish it so for now i just hope to enjoy the journey and a journey is no more than a very long series of connected moments.

so for now i'll just "enjoy the moment".


  1. I (nor anyone) can prove anything that may be outside of the natural world. I have a faith construct I try to follow to the best of my ability because it helps me have a framework to try to do good things. Philosophically it helps me sort through how I behave or should behave to be a person I want to be.


    1. i'm still working on primum non nocere. as for good, i frequently give muffins to panhandlers. my favorite muffins come in packages of 6 and i'll only eat 3 or 4 so i'll open the package and give a few away before riding home.

  2. Welcome back, Mr. Rosewater. It has been a minute as the youngsters like to say. Glad the update didn't cause too much harm and you are enjoying the moment. Seems like a good idea.

  3. Nature is close enough....
