when i bought the new helmet it became apparent that flat black is the popular color. the helmet i purchased was on sale for less than half price because it's white. the flat black helmets weren't marked down at all but the glossy black helmets were marked down about 25%. checking online i found that flat black helmets are less visible than white helmets, in other words, white helmets are safer. style trumps safety when it comes to motorcycle helmets. so it goes.
the white helmet is a bit dorky looking compared to the flat black but as an old man on a scooter, dorky fits right in. after a applying a little art, the white helmet is now uber cool:
if that isn't cool, what is?
i now love my dorky white helmet.
the new asus computer kept getting the blue screen of death so i called product support. the young man on the other end of the phone had me do a reset. i'm told this will take a few hours and when it's complete, everything i put on it will be gone forever! so it goes.
the procedure was amazingly simple. turn the son of a bitch off and as soon as you turn it back on just start hammering the shit out of the F9 key until it goes black. then you get about 10 warnings saying, do you really want to do this? do you really really want to do this? do you really really really want to do this?...................
after you convince the son of a bitch that you really want to do this it starts wiping every thing out. so it goes. it's a good thing that i kept the old hp up and running.
billy says asus computers are junk and i'm not going to argue with him.
oh yeah, one more thing. i've decided that donald trump is total fucking asshole. but what the fuck, i've been wrong before so i won't get bent out shape if any of you vote him.
why? because i love you sons of bitches.
I think the dorky white helmet looks extraordinary. Nice work, Mr. Rosewater. Donnie T. is a giant douche bag and the fact that he might get elected president just shows how much we have thinned the herd in America. Have you seen the movie "Idiocracy"? If not, check it out. It has predicted our future. Take care.
ReplyDeletei think the wrong part of the herd got thinned.
DeleteCool Helment, anyhow you can add a little artsitic touch do it.
ReplyDeleteNot a big fan of Trump.
Coffee is on
as the weather gets crappier i'll have to start making the coffee stronger to give me boost for getting out in the rain.
DeleteI really like the turtle graphic you applied!!!! Quite nice!
ReplyDeletei'm expecting that helmet to be a real chick magnet.
DeleteTrump is an asshole that cannot stop farting. What happened to make you realise this eternal truth?
ReplyDeletei always knew that trump was and is a total asshole. i just didn't think he had a hope in hell of getting elected. now it's starting to get scary.
DeleteLove that helmet. Not dorky at all, dude.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, Trump is a moron. However, I think he is just saying more and more ridiculous stuff to get more votes from morons. I'm not convinced he believes in half the junk he is saying. However, it's very irresponsible to rile up all these middle-America rednecks. Or is it good to figure out how many psychos there are in the world? I don't know. Back to the helmet. I like the helmet.
thanks for the vote of confidence on the helmet. trump has a family history of alzheimer's disease and i think that there's a good chance that he's losing his marbles but none of his staff will comment on the emperor's new clothes.
DeleteGood day. Mr. Rosewater. Hope all is well.